
Quality for Areco means providing products that meet customer expectations, maintaining a constant production quality and the traceability of its products through specialist support and staff involvement.

From raw materials to the finished product

The R&D and quality control laboratory, in addition to the continuous monitoring of supplies, semi-finished products and finished products, deals with the research of new materials and new products to be proposed to customers. Quality control is regulated by internal protocols derived from the current legal standards, guidelines recommended by AIA (Italian Aerosol Association) and FEA (European Aerosol Federation).

Control of production phases

Thanks to the new IT system, highly automated and integrated production enables the company to continuously monitor production management. The computerization currently covers all the business areas with a consequent benefit for customers.

Check our quality policy by clicking HERE
  • ISO 9001

Areco Italia has established a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements from UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for the following activities: "Research, development and production of spray paints and technical products for third parties through the cylinder production phases empty, plastic components, paints and filling". Quality control is regulated by internal protocols derived from current legal standards, guidelines recommended by AIA (Italian Aerosol Association) and the FEA (European Aerosol Federation).

Check our Certiquality certificate by clicking HERE
  • Alternative method to hot bath

Our company is certified with Certiquality and got first in Italy the approval of the alternative to the Hot Bath Method by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Quality control is regulated by internal protocols derived from the current rules of law, guidelines recommended by AIA (Italian Aerosol Association) and FEA (European Aerosol Federation).

Check our quality certificate by clicking HERE